Friday, July 19, 2013

My Review of Wandering (The Wanderer Series 2) by Heather Sutherlin

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*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Where to begin, where to begin?
Reading Wandering was like seeing an old friend really. I found myself thrown into the story a lot quicker than I had been with Seen.
The story will tug at your heartstrings as Rory fights to find a way home and Jaron fights to come to understand she isn't lost to him.
While there are no evil doers in this story for our trio to fight, there are inner demons they must pass to understand that they have fulfilled the prophecy.
I was disappointed in not finding out Cynda's fate. The end of the story will bring a smile to the reader's face and perhaps a tear or two.
The book is very well written and while it contains the slight error here and there it's obvious it was missed slight. I guarantee this book will grab the reader and refuse to let go until the words "the end" are seen.
And though I am sad to know this is the last I was read about Rory, Joran, Rin, and Zern and all of Rutahn, I give this book 5 of 5 paws

My Review of Winter Night Falling (The Ti'aran Chronicles 1) by Bryan R. South

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If you would like a Signed Paperback of this book please contact me on Facebook

*All Signed Copies cost $15.00 which includes Shipping and Handling and come with a Signed Bookmark* 

*I received this ARC from the Author via Cu's Ebook Giveaways in exchange for an honest review*

The story itself is a unique one. Bryan has taken epic fantasy and breathed new life in it.
The story put me in mind of The Legend of Drizzt, with a patchwork quilt of characters all working together to rid their land of evil. The characters of all different and some are a bit funny. I found Orindyll to be quite eccentric.
I liked the whole outlaw of magic thing which makes things a lot harder for the heroes since most of them use magic, and magic is needed to defeat the enemy.
The book ends on a slight cliffhanger making the reader eager to Spring Dawn Rising which is the conclusion to this part of the series.
The story has tons of action and the reader will continue to read well past the time they should have gone to sleep.
Hopefully the author corrects the small not really important errors I spotted before the release. Then the book will really be perfect.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
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