This is a very powerful read. There is so much pain and truth in the opening poem (which was the inspiration for the story), it flows into the reader and touches the darkest recesses of the heart. All too often men are done how Kenny was done. Color, race, creed, none of that matters really, it happens to men just like it does women. Some men are a bit stronger and overcome it quickly. Others, like Kenny, the hurt is so deep that they fall. They spiral so far out of control they become the thing they hate the most. I know this from my own personal experience with someone who fell just as hard as Kenny did.
Even as you watch Ken's disastrous transformation begin, his heart still holds to finding that certain someone who will right all the wrongs that have been done to him.
I found a few minor errors that were easily over looked, the errors are very slight.
The sex scenes, and let's face it, Ken is a manwhore there's a LOT of sex in this book, The scenes are written tastefully. Being me, I'm not an overly huge fan of erotic tales and certain words, even if simply reading them to myself, will have me looking like a strawberry. This was not the case with this book. The sex scenes seem to almost be there simply because they have to be to explain the depth of Ken's anguish. They are artfully written and worded tastefully.
It's refreshing when you can feel not only the characters, but a hint of the author as well. I will by no means lie to anyone. This story is NOT for everyone. I do believe it should be read by everyone though, especially the young men who have gone through the pain that Ken did. An outcast myself, I know all too well the knife wounds that riddle Ken's heart and this made me appreciate the story all the more.
There are very few stories of this genre.. Fiction that reads like an autobiography.. That touched me in the way this one has.. In fact, only three other authors have accomplished this feat in all my thirty two years, Piers Anthony (Letters to Jenny), Jennifer Martinez (Written in the Stars), and Derinda Love (Today Only).
I applaud Benny for this work of art, something in my heart tells me that just like the other three mentioned, there's more than just a sliver of truth to the words than the author will lead on.
One small problem I had wasn't with the story, but with the female characters. When it all comes crumbling down, suddenly Ken is the bad guy, granted, he's far from a saint but those women for as strong and intelligent as Ken described them to be are pretty freaking stupid if they make their own decisions and then want to point a finger when shyt kicks them in the ass. The only instance I can honestly say Ken should have had his ass kicked for was Heather. She's the only one that he truly did wrong. Denise and Krissy knew the truth of the situation and yet still everything was pinned on Ken. And don't even get me started on some of the others...
I encourage if the reader is a male, READ this book..If the reader is a female READ this book. There are so many important life lessons in the pages of this work that it truly would benefit everyone if they read it
I give this book 5 of 5 paws and look forward to what Benny decides to let flow next.
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades of Rose Marketing Tour Host
GWR Tour Host
As You Wish Tour Host
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades of Rose Marketing Tour Host
GWR Tour Host
As You Wish Tour Host