Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Angelfire (Dark Angel 1) by Hanna Peach

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This is possibly the longest the book I've read this year so far. But it's absolutely worth the read. This story is woven like a tapestry. Each scene is detailed perfectly and you slide into the characters flawlessly. There was more than one night were I was so engrossed in Alyx's endeavors that when something went bump in the night in my house, I jumped a few feet in the air and had to wait a few seconds to still my racing heart.
I find less than a handful of errors in the writing, none of which will interfere with the reader's flow. This story will grip the reader from the first line and hold them captive until the end leaving the reader wanting more. The unexpected twists the story takes will definitely stun the reader.
This story is definitely the start one hell of an epic adventure for Alyx and her friends. I look forward to starting Angelstone to see what happens next.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
 Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
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