I liked this book A LOT. It's much different than any other post apocalyptic stories I've read or seen. At the same time it holds small simliarities to some of the better known ones, but those similarities are so small they aren't really important.
This author's writing style is quite flawless and the characters and the scenes jump from the pages into your mind before you've completed the first paragraph.
The Author has captured the potential of an Autistic Savant almost flawlessly, and for the little time you spend in Clover's world, you feel just as she does. The talent to write any disability, especially a mental one is a rare gift I've only seen from a select few authors.
This story will make you blink more than once in surprise as the story takes some very unexpected twists and turns. Thes surprises of course make the reader have to read more to find out what happens.
This book has everything! A virus that kills off most of the human (and animal) population, time travel, friendship, trust, adventure, and edge of your seat thrills. I absolutely love this book and eagerly await the next one!
If there were any errors in this Unedited Proof..I found none.
All I have to say in regards to this book is VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host