Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Review of Our Souls to Keep (Book 1) by Gary A. Caruso

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This is definitely different than other supernatural, heaven vs hell stories I've read. This book doesn't happen from the pov of view of a good guy, it happens from the pov from a demon hybrid named Wake. Wake is a soul collector. To live he must feed on the on the souls of those who die. He collects the souls for Satan. What makes his job so difficult, is the souls he collects must come from people that have committed suicide.
I spotted a handful of small errors in the work. Nothing major, just a few overlooked things. I was impressed that the author did his research on the different kinds of demons, including the different names for males and females. The painted a very vivid image of what hell looks like that will have the reader see it clearly, the reader may even be able to smell the sulfur that permeates the air if they let themselves that far into it.
Being what Wake is, I enjoyed seeing how he tried to manage his demon self and his human self.
I did spot a couple of small wording errors... For instance, the plural os Cactus is Cacti. But the errors aren't major and there was literally only a couple.
This story is fast paced and will have the reader on the edge of their seat. There are parts that will make the reader smile, as well as parts that will make the reader tear up.
I look forward to seeing what else this author comes up with.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monster by Ben Burgess Jr.

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This is a very powerful read. There is so much pain and truth in the opening poem (which was the inspiration for the story), it flows into the reader and touches the darkest recesses of the heart. All too often men are done how Kenny was done. Color, race, creed, none of that matters really, it happens to men just like it does women. Some men are a bit stronger and overcome it quickly. Others, like Kenny, the hurt is so deep that they fall. They spiral so far out of control they become the thing they hate the most. I know this from my own personal experience with someone who fell just as hard as Kenny did.
Even as you watch Ken's disastrous transformation begin, his heart still holds to finding that certain someone who will right all the wrongs that have been done to him.
I found a few minor errors that were easily over looked, the errors are very slight.
The sex scenes, and let's face it, Ken is a manwhore there's a LOT of sex in this book, The scenes are written tastefully. Being me, I'm not an overly huge fan of erotic tales and certain words, even if simply reading them to myself, will have me looking like a strawberry. This was not the case with this book. The sex scenes seem to almost be there simply because they have to be to explain the depth of Ken's anguish. They are artfully written and worded tastefully.
It's refreshing when you can feel not only the characters, but a hint of the author as well. I will by no means lie to anyone. This story is NOT for everyone. I do believe it should be read by everyone though, especially the young men who have gone through the pain that Ken did. An outcast myself, I know all too well the knife wounds that riddle Ken's heart and this made me appreciate the story all the more.
There are very few stories of this genre.. Fiction that reads like an autobiography.. That touched me in the way this one has.. In fact, only three other authors have accomplished this feat in all my thirty two years, Piers Anthony (Letters to Jenny), Jennifer Martinez (Written in the Stars), and Derinda Love (Today Only).
I applaud Benny for this work of art, something in my heart tells me that just like the other three mentioned, there's more than just a sliver of truth to the words than the author will lead on.
One small problem I had wasn't with the story, but with the female characters. When it all comes crumbling down, suddenly Ken is the bad guy, granted, he's far from a saint but those women for as strong and intelligent as Ken described them to be are pretty freaking stupid if they make their own decisions and then want to point a finger when shyt kicks them in the ass. The only instance I can honestly say Ken should have had his ass kicked for was Heather. She's the only one that he truly did wrong. Denise and Krissy knew the truth of the situation and yet still everything was pinned on Ken. And don't even get me started on some of the others...
I encourage if the reader is a male, READ this book..If the reader is a female READ this book. There are so many important life lessons in the pages of this work that it truly would benefit everyone if they read it
I give this book 5 of 5 paws and look forward to what Benny decides to let flow next.
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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Monday, June 24, 2013

Knotted Roots by Ruthi Kight

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Roxie comes off as your typical spoiled rich kid. Her life revolves around her social standing, so it comes as no surprise the injustice she feels when certain events happen that threaten her very way of life, as well as the circle of friends she has. When she is forced to leave her posh New York life style to spend three months in Soth Carolina with her Grandmother, Roxie feels as though her entire life is ending. She shares her fear of returning a social pariah with her best friend Amber who promises to help try to help sway her parents to let her go where her friends will be for the summer instead, that's when everything falls apart.
As the story progresses the reader will note certain things Roxie does that will make you question, they make her question as well. The reader will find them self wanting more than anything to slap the snob and stupid out this girl one more then just a handful of occasions. There will be definite tears on more than one occasion.
There were a few minor spelling errors nothing at all drastic. They were more than likely missed due to the timelines writers and Beta Teams are under to get things done in. They will not halt the understanding of the sentence nor slow the reader down at all.
A small story hang up I found myself pondering more than once was the absolute vanishment of Amber after the last call. I do not believe that however stuck up and self absorbed a person is, someone who calls someone their best friend for x amount of years does not just suddenly stop after one disagreement. Then again, perhaps they can. There is not enough information on Amber to know why she didn't pursue her best friend, but the reader will know without a doubt why Roxie didn't.
All in all, this story is a great coming of age tale. I do hope Ruthi will write a sequel (even if Airicka has to help with the title again lol) so we can see how Roxie and the others in Perry Point at doing. These characters are unforgettable, and while the people in this story are fictional, like any other amazingly written work, they leave a very real impression on the reader. There are plenty of lessons to be learned within these 189 pages and they are ones every human being should learn.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
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The Buttersmiths' Gold (Evertaster Companion Prequel) by Adam Glendon Sidwell

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As stated in the Forward, Reading Evertaster is not mandatory before reading this book. This book tells the tale of how the butter came to be. A very fitting companion to the trilogy if I do say so myself.
The story begins at some point after Felicity's helicopters come and whisk the Johnsonville's to complete their part of the creation of the One Recipe, which left Braxton, Torbjorn, and Storfjell knocked out on the viking long boat with the cows (who were still doing all the rowing).
The viking brothers tell Braxton that while everyone thinks vikings love blueberry muffins above all else that the best food in all of Midgard is the butter! With further prompting, Torbjorn begins to weave the tale of his clan's butter and why is it better than any other in all the world.
I found myself chuckling as I read of Torbojorn's first venture into the biggest village in Midgard. To viking style, there was most certainly a brawl that would more than likely become a legend.
There is so much actual Norse myth and legend woven into this story, it was a delight for me to read. I'm as huge fan of all things Midgard as anyone that knows me can attest lol.
I do hope the author will make other companion stories for the trilogy, like the how the eggs came to be, or Arreviderci's chocolates. I'd most definitely be interested in those stories too and I'm sure others would be as well.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws.

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Course of Legends (Evertaster 1) by Adam Glendon Sidwell

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I won't even try to lie, when I first saw this book I was almost positive I was not going to like it. I had opted to review it simply because it was not something I had read before and I simply love finding new things.
While I was so sure I would hate this story, the exact opposite became the reality. Evertaster is the most outside the box story I have ever read in my life. I found myself arching an eyebrow more than once at the ingredients I found in here.
I have to wonder about Guster's very unusual name when his entire family has normal names, but honestly, with how unique Guster is, the name is more than fitting.
I was telling my other half about the book and my six year old over heard and now she wants to go joggle cows for butter! Yes, yes that is how odd this story is!
I loved the character names, most of which will make you smile. This story has almost non stop humor, action, and advenure and is sure to please readers from infancy to a thousand!
I await The Delicious City and The Final Season most eagerly and give this book 5 of 5 paws.

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
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Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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Aberrant (Aberrant 1) by Ruth Silver

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 Aberrant starts out pretty much like every other Dystopian book I've read so far (which isn't very many). Like the others, some unknown virus wiped out most of the human race some however centuries ago. Everyone in Cabal, like in all Dystopian books, has whatever population remains divided into main groups. You have your citizens, who in live in cities walled off from the rest of the world and are controlled by the reigning government...And you have your rebels who live outside the sanctioned wall cities. As usual, the government and the rebels hate each other, and the citizens have it drilled it in their heads that nothing is outside the "safety" of their walled city. Also, the same with most Dystopian books (even a few select Dystopian listed as Sci-fi), love is no longer a factor in marriages. The government chooses your mate and you have to deal with it.
Now that I've listed the similarities, I'll tell you what makes Aberrant different from any Dystopian book I've ever read. Some of the rebel cities are just as forceful and corrupt as the government they are against...And natural conception is a thing of myths from before the Red Plague (this book's killer virus). Enter Olivia Parker, the girl everyone wants for one reason or another and her best friend Joshua Warren.
I really do have to give Olivia props. If I'd gone through half the crap she seems to find herself in almost every chapter, I'm almost sure I'd have either lost my sanity or killed myself.. Or someone else o.O Olivia, while having a small nervous breakdown here and there, pretty much remains a strong character never once wavering from the things she wants the most in life.
There is plenty of action and near heart stopping moments in this book. Aside from a slight easy to miss typos here and there it's a gripping read the reader will be unable to put down. I read it in three hours. I kept telling myself that I didn't have to rush. (As I'm writing this on my note pad I'm cursing my cable company for the week I'm going without net atm). Even though I no longer had the deadline looming over me, I still HAD to continue to turn the pages to see what happened next.
So while many will sit there and whine and complain about the similarities this book has to other Dystopian books (I haven't read enough of them to know if the reason they're all based like this one is what makes the genre), I urge the reader to look at the differences this story will bring. These differences make this book a must read for any lover of the genre.
I hope Ruth is working on a sequel to this book and if she is I look forward to reading it.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
 S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Angelstone (Dark Angel 2) by Hanna Peach

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Angelstone begins with Alyx and Israel in Tara. It's a tad more intense then Angelfire. The emotions that seemingly just run amok in this book are felt in every instance by the reader.
I particular liked the scenes in the dreamscape. Alyx's fear of Michael rolls off her in wave after wave and every bit of that fear latches onto the reader. Just like with Angelfire, the reader will easily forget that they are not part of the story.
Jordan, Alyx, and even Passar have some very strong emotional sway in this book. I found their emotions and scenes were a bit easier to follow this time around than Israel's.
As with book one, book's two descriptions are up to par, the reader will flawlessly slide in and out of each scene seamlessly.
This one definitely has a higher emotion rate, and if the reader is one of those who emerces themselves into a book with everything they are, there will definitely be some anger and tears as tears.
I without a doubt await Angelsong book 3 in this series.

I give this book 5 of 5 paws
 S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Zombie Cruise by Janiera Eldridge

Kindle ][ Kindle uk

This is a short story so please keep that in mind as my review may reflect the shortness of the story.
All I can say is ..Wow...
I spotted only 2 or 3 minor errors but my copy is an ARC so it was expected and I think I was told about them before hand.
Anyway this story for all of it's shortness, will definitely get your heart racing and your blood pumping. The twists that seemingly come out of nowhere totally take you off guard and slam the "reality" of the situation home to the reader more than once.
Once again Janiera Eldridge has amazed me with her talented way of making her vision be seen by the readers as vividly as if it were the reader experiencing it.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Angelfire (Dark Angel 1) by Hanna Peach

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ GoodReads

This is possibly the longest the book I've read this year so far. But it's absolutely worth the read. This story is woven like a tapestry. Each scene is detailed perfectly and you slide into the characters flawlessly. There was more than one night were I was so engrossed in Alyx's endeavors that when something went bump in the night in my house, I jumped a few feet in the air and had to wait a few seconds to still my racing heart.
I find less than a handful of errors in the writing, none of which will interfere with the reader's flow. This story will grip the reader from the first line and hold them captive until the end leaving the reader wanting more. The unexpected twists the story takes will definitely stun the reader.
This story is definitely the start one hell of an epic adventure for Alyx and her friends. I look forward to starting Angelstone to see what happens next.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
 Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Monday, June 17, 2013

Dreamz (Wunder 0.5) by A.R.Von

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This story takes place before Wunder. This one focuses more on the zombie infestation and how Wunder trains with her teams to eliminate the infected.
It definitely gives you a bit more insite on Wunder, and you learn things about her that you didn't get a chance to in book one. Here is where Wunder and Pete first meet.. Even if they don't officially meet until book one.
One nice change about this prequel is you not only get into Wunder's head.. but you get a taste of Pete's as well.
I wonder if book two if the reason Wunder and Pete were sharing dreams before they met will be explained, after all I'm sure both are just as curious about it as any one that reads this book will be.
As this is a short I really can't speak anymore on it without giving anything away. I do look forward to book two in the series though.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Surfacing the Rim (Piercing the Fold 2) by Venessa Kimball

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This book picks up right where Piercing the Fold left off. The surprises the read meets in PtF are no longer a shock and even the characters are starting to adjust to some of them.
The writing style is consistant in this book and the reader won't have to worry about a sudden change in how the characters think or act.
This story has a bit more action in it and the reader will find old characters and some new in a ton of danger. Discoveries and realizations are made that will make the reader think and ponder.
I found no errors in the story and I eagerly await Ascending the Veil.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunbolt (The Sunbolt Chronicles 1) by Intisar Khanani

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This story put me in mind of Aladdin for some reason. Even if our main character is a fifteen year old girl named Hitomi. She's different than the other humans on the island where she lives. A fact that's pointed out to her daily by the locals.
I find maybe two small really unnoticeable errors in the entire work and neither one even caused me to pause in the read.
This book has a ton of action from chases across rooftops, to fighting and being chased by mages, vampires, and beings called breathers. The reader will find no slow points in this adventure, and will even have a chuckle or two along the way.
I wait expenctantly for book 2 now that I've had a taste for Hitomi and her adventure I definitely want more.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
 Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Friday, June 14, 2013

Good Ghost Gone Bad by Janiera Eldridge

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ GoodReads

To get the technicalities out of the way, There's some structure issues and I did spot a number of small wrong word errors. Nothing to detrimental, they are just there.
The story itself if very interesting and will definitely make the reader reconsider a few things in their own lives, especially when it comes to how they treat others for whatever reason, and things they could have done to given a different outlook to something that happened.
Brianna was murdered in cold blood for absolutely no reason. She quickly discovered she isn't the only one the sick prick killed, though by some of their stories, hers was quick and less mortifying then theirs had been.
I liked how this story was told. Brianna has been pretty much talking to god only knows what to tell her story. It's a very sad story, but not as sad as a few of the other ghosts' stories. There's some spectral romance brewing and some grisly things as well. A little something for everyone!
Janiera has definitely grasped the absolute fear we all face with daily as well as the questions and what ifs we ask ourselves a lot too.
I loved how the characters while ghosts still held on to the emotions they had and banded together to help each other out. I hope there will be another book.. One that perhaps delves into how Melissa died.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws

Cu's Ebook Giveaways Owner
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Reconnaissance (Paradise Reclaimed 2) by Aubrie Dionne

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Reconnaissance begins at the award ceremony.. However, it is not Andromeda we follow in this story it's Nova. They survived the microbes but these poor survivors from Earth can't seem to get a break. This time it's Nova that makes the discovery.
This story goes into depth about Nova's life, and even while still in the beginning, you begin to understand why she's pushed herself all those years and why she resents Andromeda so much. If the reader disliked Nova in Colonization, they'll have an annoying feeling of guilt once they start learning about miss prim and proper.
Andromeda in this story, is much different than she was in Colonization. She's no longer the love sick little girl chasing after her best friend. Now, she's more adult in her ways, especially her thinking. I was impressed with her choice of the team, especially with the fact that excluded herself and Corvus from it.
This story definitely doesn't lack in action department from the beginning there's plenty of action as Nova, Sirius, and the others face a new threat to their new colony on Paradise 21.
All in all this book was lot more action packed than Colonization. I hope Aubrie continues with the series. There's a small unresolved issue which leads me to know there will be at least one more book to follow this series if not more.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Monday, June 10, 2013

Colonization (Paradise Reclaimed 1) Aubrie Dionne

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This is the first true Science Fiction book I've bothered to read in a long time. I mean sci-fi with people and "exotic" animals living on a space station/ship and everything. Here you meet Andromeda, a 17 year who's great grandmother keeps insisting will do great things. You also meet Sirius, Andromeda's best friend who is constantly dragging her off to places on the ship they have no business being in.
In the first few chapters Andromeda comes off as the spoiled brat everyone naturally assumes she is. Especially with how she feels about the major changes happening in her life as well as her life assignment. I was very happy to see her suck it up and realize there was little else she could do except accept her circumstances.
The further into the story you go the more interesting it becomes. Paradise 21 is strange place with even stranger inhabitants.
This book will appeal to anyone who likes the YA genre.. it being a sci fi story shouldn't even really factor in to the reader since the main point message of the story is to tell you to trust in yourself and your gut... Even if the whole world (or in this case ship) thinks you're crazy.
I absolutely loved this book. The writing style is very good. And considering my copy is an unedited arc, there were minimal errors that I could see. This author has woven a tale that will truly make the reader sit and think about everything they think they know.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws and look forward to Reconnaissance.
 Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
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Friday, June 7, 2013

Ours (The Bears 2) by Hazel Gower

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 This book strays from Brian, Blake, and Suzie and focuses on Sandy who discovers she too is the mate of two bear shifters.. Jake and Zack. Sandy is every bit the spitfire who really doesn't want to be in the situation more so because of her family then any valid reason. And while this story strayed from the whole Bear family men mating human females the matron has an issue with (hopefully a future installment will return to that) it does have another serious undertoned element in it.
This story is a bit more  action laced then Theirs was.. And I still want to know what Adele is up to I trust that woman about as far as I can throw her. I did spot a couple of small errors, nothing that would turn the reader off, but as I've said before, those occur when a writer is in the heat of the moment so to speak.
I do hope the next installment goes a bit deeper into the whole Adele thing. and I wonder if it will be about Gwen or Sammy, only time will tell how Hazel will manage to torture her fans next.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Theirs (The Bears 1) by Hazel Gower

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Okay the few lines of this story were totally NOT what I was expecting. It did make me bust out laughing from personal experience though!
I found the plot to this story to be quite an interesting one. I've never read a shifter story where a person had two mates. Usually it's just one, but Brian and Blake both claim Suzie to their mate in this one.
Okay despite the amount of "paranormal porn" in this book I really liked it. It wasn't a serious erotica like all the other ones I've read lately, it was easy going and light hearted, and it made me smile pretty much non stop.
Any lover of paranormal, even if they aren't fans of erotica will absolutely fall in love with Suzie, Blake, and Brain I know I did.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
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I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
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Faded (The Rock Star Trilogy 2) by Mercy Amare

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Faded picks up exactly one week after Jaded ends.. Not that anything happened in the missing week. Scarlett quickly runs through the events that had her leave Hope and return to L.A but she's miserable there. Her miseray doesn't last long though and it's not long before the quirky misunderstood rock star is right back to her old self.
The copy of Faded I have is an unedited, uncorrected ARC and I have to admit that I'm quite impressed with the fact that while obviously it needs a little tweaking to be perfect, there are not that many errors in it at all. Cudos for Mercy!
It took me much less time to read this one than it did Jaded and I'm almost positive that any fan will fly through this book too and then silently swear when they reach the end...well, At least that's what I did!
Faded definitely flows in sync with Jaded, unlike most series where the reader watches the writing style either get better (however in most cases the other books are nowhere near as good as the first) that isn't a worry with The Rock Star Trilogy. The writing style is consistant and the reader rest assured that they can finished Jaded and pick up Faded without a worry that Scarlett's thoughts won't seem right anymore.
There is on hell of a surprise at the end of this one that will absolutely blog the reader's mind but it's worth it and it totally keeps the reader craving the final installment.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jaded (The Rock Star Trilogy 1) by Mercy Amare

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This book had me laughing as soon as I started reading, Scarlett for some reason absolutely reminds me of Ashley Tisdale.. When she was in High School Musical. She's basically a huge pop star trying to finish high school normally. Her first day of school will have you in stitches.
This story is amusing and quirky. I admit I had reservations about it. Most of the reviews I'd been ask to read lately were erotica which by now you all know I'm not a big fan of. It was very very refreshing to get to dive into this one. It just made me smile for the most part. The only thing that irked me a little were the titles of the chapters. They were just lines in the chapter. But that's just a pet peeve of mine. There are a couple of wrong words scattered here and there but no actual errors. Writers tend to get lost in their work and placing the wrong word (which would inevitably change the meaning of a sentence) happens from time to time. The reader however will no problem understanding what is meant though, some may not even realize they're there at all.
While the story is quite quirky, not everything is sunshine and gumdrops. There are serious issues that more teenagers than most people are aware their kids are dealing with happening. Mercy has made this story realistic to the point that the events that unfold good and bad will reach down deep into the reader's very soul and take hold. I look forwarded to faded and the third book to see how Scarlett grows and developes into the life she has chosen for herself and if she ever wakes up and see the effects some of her decisions have on other people.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades Rose Tour Host
GWR Tour Host
As You Wish Tour Host

Piercing the Fold (Piercing the Fold 1) by Venessa Kimball

 I'll begin by saying this.. If you do not have a love for aspects of science and science fiction, you may not enjoy the some parts of this book. I however love it. Venessa has masterfully brought the theory of wormholes and traversing the space time continum to life. Imagine a device that could instantly open a wormhole and take you within a mere seconds to another galaxy light years from our own. Now imagine the ramifications of leaving said wormhole open indefinitely and you have the basis for this book.
It's been a very long time since I've come across a book on this topic where the author did so much research that all the fiction mixed with it seem real. This book is perfect for those who gaze up to the stars every night wondering if there is life out there.
I absolutely love the amount of training the "green peas" get put through.. It's impossibly hard, tedious, and challenges death at every turn. The detailing for the training sessions is phenominal really. I love that each new guardian has their own special abilites and a training guardian with simliar ones to teach them.
The reader can sympathize with just about every character they come across. Their feelings will become the reader's and the reader will be tugged along on one hell of a journey. There are a couple of twists the story takes that will blog the reader away. The reader will not see them coming but once they are presented the reader will wonder how they didn't figure it themselves. The twists also snap some very vital pieces of the puzzle into place.
This story will appeal to a multitude of readers, from sci fans fans, to romance fans, even to fantasy and odd fiction fans. The tale Venessa has stared to weave within this first installment is definitely worth the time to read it. I look forward to Surfacing the Rim and what happens to the characters I have grown to know and love.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades Rose Tour Host
GWR Tour Host
As You Wish Tour Host

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today Only by D.Love

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I will start by saying this, I don't normally read anything except Fantasy and Paranormal unless a friend asks me to check out their book and I'm amazed every time I agree simply cause the stories are amazing. A friend of mine who is also friends with D. said "Cu.. you HAVE to read this book! I know it's not something you'd normally read but you just have to." They went so far as to gift my broke behind a copy of it. I don't regret agreeing to help out and R2R this book. I was hooked from the very first sentence. Though in hindsight, a warning to have some tissues near by would have been nice.
This is a very emotional book. From the very beginning the reader slides effortlessly between Jett's and Rye's narations. While you feel THEIR emotions, you also pick up clearly on Dee and little Em's. Em's may be the most heart breaking of all. I admit my first tears fell while I read her notes. In my opinion this book has entirely too much of a personal feel to it to have been plucked out of thin air, and if I'm wrong in my assumption, then D. Love is a true literary genius. This story is a rare gem in a sea of stories. Only the malicious or dead of heart would think otherwise.
One thing I can say, this story would probably have killed me from all the tears, if it weren't for the quirky little funny things laced through the pages. Whether one line, a look, a poem, or accidental meeting, they will quickly dispel the sorrow you feel and make you crack up. I loved how the stories is riddled with the names with bloggers and authors every fan of the indie world knows. How special they must all feel to be listed there! Trust me anyone who follows our world will know who every blogger is it's made quite clear and as the reader progresses and names appear, book covers and blog banners will merrily float through their heads. They did for me at any rate lol. I have to wonder if this is really how it is when they all get together..It seems a little intimidating!
This book will show you what truly matters in life...It will make you smile, and it will definitely make you cry.
I've seen the kind heart and soul D.Love has first hand, even with the simplicity of gifting someone a book with the advice to "Pay it forward when you can".
I see the sorrow in her eyes in every picture she posts of herself. If this book is any indictation of things she herself has gone through in her life, then all I can say is I HAVE seen beauty..I saw it in D.Love and this amazing book
For all the emotions and the message this story brings, I give this book 5 of 5 paws
I end this review with a question for you all...
What is beautiful in your world today?
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades Rose Tour Host
GWR Tour Host 
As You Wish Tour Host