Friday, May 31, 2013

Beyond the Sun (Dark Order of the Dragon 1) by Sandra Bischoff

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ Smashwords ][ GoodReads

This book kicks off with action. There's no sugar coating from this author, fangs, guns, daggers, and death greet you from page one. Jade is our main character, driven by what I can only think is revenge. He hates vampires, and yet hes has some for friends, quite a conundrum! The other sub main character is Alex, a reporter who doesn't believe a word of the story her boss told her about Jared and is pissed that she's been sent on the story.
This author did her work when it came to this book, from how vampires function to Jared's training style it's all precise and correct. On a side note, the sword breakers under the chapter headers are epic!
This book will keep the reader on its toes, especially once Absinthe is introduced to the mix. That's one princess with an attitude the reader will love to hate.
I have to say the writing style is very good. Either this author knows her stuff or her editor is that good. I found not one error in the work and even as a pdf it's set up beautifully. The type is formatted perfectly and thus the story just runs in a continual flow as it should.
I love how the events of the story flow and come together in a very believable way. From love to betrayal to outright murder everything makes sense. The reader knows why everything happens and while some things may not be agreed with it's understood on why it happens as it does.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host
Shades Rose Tour Host 
GWR Tour Host
As You Wish Tour Host

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kasadya: Hellhound Awakened by Karen Swart

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Barnes & Noble (print) ][ GoodReads

This book starts with the story of Lucifer "Star of the morning" and his fall from grace. It recounts the creation of hell and the punishments delivered upon Lucifer and his followers. It's an interesting take on the tale.
I have to admit this story is right up my ally. Anyone that loves myths, lore, paranormal will fall in love by chapter two! Chax De Luca is a hard butt. It's clear that while his methods are effective, they're rather harsh. I won't if he's ever lost any of his trainees to death honestly. It's a wonder no one really likes him.
Kas' harmones are certainly in overdrive throughout this entire book. I imagine it has a lot to do with the whole rules that were enforced before she was returned to her true home.
This story definitely covers the array of the snap emotion an adolescent female goes through. Kas definitely comes into her own very quickly in the story, much to everyone else's dismay. She isn't as weak as not only they but she herself thought her to be.
There are a few things that left me wondering though. A major loophole in the story is why Chax and the fallen hate Kas when they first spot her. It would be an abvious assumption that Caim told his brother all the events that preceeded his release, but they hated her before even noticing Max and the others. Perhaps the author will seal that loophole in the next installment.
All in all this book kept up well past my bedtime as I had to finish it. That in my eyes is a good thing.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws based on the originality of the story and the way it can hold its audience, though I would suggest the author pay just a little more attention on their spelling, or hire a better editor.

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Crimson Clan (Destiny Phoenix 1) by David R. Bennett


My copy of this book is an Uncorrected ARC. I will speak of no errors within these pages.
This story is ideal for middle grade readers. The story is fast paced and not one you'll easily put down once you get into the flow of it.
There are some minor loop holes that hopefully got taken care of in the final editing draft, but any lover of paranormal will find this book an interesting read.
I give this book 3 of 5 paws

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First (The Seven Wicked Series) by CM Stunich

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ GoodReads

This.This is how a story should begin... With the end. I absolutely books that start with the end and this one starts at the beginning of book 2. Then Chapter one rewinds time to the very beginning.
Eevee and Caleb's adventure is a strange one set into motion by a necklace tht catches Eevee's eye. The events that proceed it will keep the reader guessing and keep them on the edge of their seats as they try to outrun the First of the seven.
I love the writing style of this story.. The author has firmly covered all loopholes. Soon as the reader would ask themselves how something could be possible, the answer is right there in their face. Beautifully done!
The reader is in for a roller coaster of emotions that will drive them absolutely crazy, and if the reader does not own Second.. the last feeling will be a mix of anger and sorrow!
A perfect blend that will remind you of Stephen King and R.L.Stine all rolled into one (as if THAT wasn't a scary enough thought!) This is the great start to the Seven Wicked Series and I for once can't wait to read the rest of them.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Friday, May 17, 2013

Seen (Wanderer Series 1) by Heather Sutherlin

I found myself smiling a bit right from the start. There's magic in the around Ree's house.. probably around Ree too come to think of it.
I loved how the story alternated between Ree and Jaron so you didn't miss anything in the story from either side. Rin is a strange little boy and yet I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. My heart broke for him really.
The detailing this book is amazing. The descriptions are so vivid you see everything clearly without a doubt knowing it's what was pictured while the words were written. I absolutely love the mystical feel of this story. It's a familiar story told in a brand new way.
Ree, Jaron and Rin's journey is one so many of us who love fantasy would love to go on. It's like a mix of all the fantasy novels you've ever read, a dash of fairy tale and a pinch of romance.
I did have one gripe with the intelligence of Jaron and Ree...They know the name of the Betrayer.. yet when the Betrayer's name is mentioned in an another situation Ree doesn't connect the dots that the two are one and the same.
Aside from the small errors, there are a few places where a word is missing, nothing drastic and certainly not a reason to snub your nose at this book, this book is a good read. I enjoyed the storyline and the way the characters grew and evolved. I look forward to the next installment and hope Ms. Sutherlin will remember me when it needs to be reviewed.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ GoodReads

I received this book as an Uncorrected Proof Print Copy from the author. I will speak nothing of any errors my copy may or may not have since it is uncorrected.
I liked this book A LOT. It's much different than any other post apocalyptic stories I've read or seen. At the same time it holds small simliarities to some of the better known ones, but those similarities are so small they aren't really important.
This author's writing style is quite flawless and the characters and the scenes jump from the pages into your mind before you've completed the first paragraph.
The Author has captured the potential of an Autistic Savant almost flawlessly, and for the little time you spend in Clover's world, you feel just as she does. The talent to write any disability, especially a mental one is a rare gift I've only seen from a select few authors.
This story will make you blink more than once in surprise as the story takes some very unexpected twists and turns. Thes surprises of course make the reader have to read more to find out what happens.
This book has everything! A virus that kills off most of the human (and animal) population, time travel, friendship, trust, adventure, and edge of your seat thrills. I absolutely love this book and eagerly await the next one!
If there were any errors in this Unedited Proof..I found none.
All I have to say in regards to this book is VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Beautiful Liar (Maggie West 1) by Leanna Harrow

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ GoodReads

In this book you meet Maggie.. Poor girl seems to have the worst luck ever with guys. I mean really 3 failed marriages countless wrong relationships and four kids to show for it. Unlike most storie, Maggie isn't the young naiive girl looking for love like in most books. I'd place her in her early to mid forties. This in itself is a bit refreshing since the author has drifted from the norm that all main characters need to need to be young, beautiful and rebellious.
The is a flaw in Maggie's reasoning concerning the beautiful liar... If he was lying to her before, what made her think everything he said to her after wasn't just more lies? The possiblility that the beautiful liar never once crossed Maggie's mind after she'd had him promise to tell her nothing but the truth.
The storyline was an interesting one.. Though for as intelligent as Maggie claimed to be she couldn't grasp the importance of the one lie the beautiful liar told her and in the end what did her being stubborn get her?
I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves erotica.. As many of you know, I'm not a big fan of the genre. This book had entirely too much sex in it for my liking..but the actual storyline for how little of it there is, was a beautiful tale.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Monday, May 13, 2013

Written in the Stars by Jennifer Martinez

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ Smashwords ][ GoodReads

The prologue is set up to snag the reader right off the bat, it does it's job fairly well. The premise is pretty much can a girl who doesn't believe in fate find someone to make the things she wants become reality.
The story reads as a biography, there's very little talking between the characters. Don't let this deter you from reading it. It's an excellent story and the biography style suits it beautifully. The way this is written gives you an even deeper depth to the main character's live. Her emotions, her triumphs and struggles, they all feel that much more real as you read her life as seen primarily through her alone. The common usuage of a monoglpue between characters is by no means needed in this in this and adding it would ruin the perfection that it already is.
There are several parts in this book where I'd swear the author tapped into my experiences and took notes, those parts  I related the most with, are the ones that felt the most real to me. I'm sure other readers have and will feel the same. I also enjoyed how about half way through the book, the story was no longer just Mack's it was Coll's as well.. and here the book for each chapter is really 2 chapters, 1 chapter told through Mack's eyes, the next of the same scene is told through Coll's. And while it's the same scene it seems brand new as you see how Coll saw the situation.
I'll be the first to admit.. I cried.. like a baby.. by the end. This is truly a story of us who have suffered like Mack did will appreciate.
Many thanks to Jennifer Martines for writting the "biography" many of us are too scared to even think about and remember let alone put down on paper, even it is fiction.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Storm Bottle by Nick Green

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ GoodReads

The start of this story is a little slow, then again as soon as you begin reading you may as well be watching a movie. I honestly believe this story could be as big as A Dolphin Tale or Nim's Island.
Anyway, it's the perfect start. Girl and her younger step brother go out on a boat with an older guy that's friends (and yes JUST friends) with the girl. before they hit open sea they spot a bottlenose dolphin, which is odd considering wild dolphins don't generally go near the shore. Bibi (the Girl) and Michael (the younger brother), dive into the water and see if they can touch the dolphin. The dolphin takes off and they chase it a bit. Bibi stops and calls for Michael to stop but he ends up in a riptide, with the help of the reappearing dolphin, Bibi gets Michael back to Hal's (the older friend's) boat. One thing the reader must always keep in mind. They're in Bermuda so you know it's about to get interesting in strange ways.
Think of this book like Freaky Firday only with Dolphins! Somehow the dolphin that helped save Michael switched bodies with Michael!
Okay from here on out there will be nothing more about the story, simply because I will not give away any spoilers. The things I commented on aren't spoilers they're in the blurb and synopsis which is what caught my interest to this book back in February when I got it, which was WAY before this review is taking place.
The way this story is written it would make an awesome movie as I stated before, if the write company and screen writers were found to tranform it to screen. This is a wonder story that people of all ages will enjoy especially if they like movies like Nim's Island.
The Bottle Storm will make you laugh as well as cry. Even if it's for younger readers, everyone will love this amazing story. Nick.. Find someone to make this a movie.. You'll be rich.
This story has a strong holding to taking care of the earth, the ocean in particular. Every year hundreds of dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals are killed due to fishing nets, harpooning, and the trash we humans leave everywhere. This story takes a slight turn. What if some of the really bad storms we thought were just mother nature or god...weren't? What if the next life taking, city destroying storm we have is really just a dolphin calling for the Dance of the Voices?
I give this book 5 of 5
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host -
B3 Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tour Host

Gwen Reaper by Jaz Primo

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ Smashwords ][ GoodReads

Where to start, where to start... I loved this book. I think I enjoyed it more than most other YA since it wasn't written in 3rd person, or by the girl's pov it was written entirely from the male perspective.
If there are other books in this genre out there written in the male pov, I haven't seen them and there need to be more. It was a refreshing twist to see the world through the boy's eyes. This story, like all of Jaz's works thus far that I've read, is well written. You easily fall into the world he creates for his characters and heave a sorrowful sigh when you have to return to reality.
All I have to say really is Chewie is the man! Sorta. This book will amaze and entertain fans of the genre young and old.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws

Reviewed by
Around the Universe Book Tours Apprentice
Fae Books Tour Host/Reviewer
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daughter of the Red Dawn (The Lost Kingdom of Fallada 1) by Alicia Michaels

Kindle ][ Kindle uk ][ Nook ][ Smashwords ][ GoodReads

I absolutely loved how this book begins. It's like the reawakening of a favorite fairy tale! The incorporation of everyone's favorite paranormal brothers is simply wonderful, especially when the reader finds out where they have been all this time!
Basically the Queen of Northern corner of Fallada is writing to the reader. She tells how the princesses, mainly the heirs to the three corners are kidnapped by the evil Queen of the West corner and sent into our world. Jacob and Willhelm are given the task to find them and bring them home. That will be hard since they are all teenagers or young adults now, they were infants when they were stolen. Time is different on each side of the wall, that's explained in vivid detailed. I won't ruin this review with any spoilers.
The further into this story you fall, the more you feel it all around you. Once you enter Fallada, it's as though every fairytale you ever heard comes alive in all new and interesting ways. I have just ONE problem with a part in the story. When the party existed the ship, they were two days journey from the Fae Kingdom. They put on the tailismens which were supposed to block out the mirrors, and yet Eranna used her mirror and easily located them a day later. After speaking with the author, there IS a small part missing that was overlooked during beta and editing that explained that Eranna was able to use the mirror despite the talismans due to how much stronger she'd grown in the dark arts. Mystery solved there and hopefully if the book comes out with a second edition that part will be added.
Adrah's abilities are simply mystifying and it's a wonder she's the queen of all the Fae. With her abilities and her heart I'm sure she could win anyone over and warm the coldest heart... Well maybe not the coldest, I doubt anyone can get through that hollow black void Eranna calls a heart.
Selena and Titus' interactions will bring the reader a whole range of emotion, most of the time a smile or a soft chuckle. They are definitely the light in the dark times they ae engulfed in.
I think the thing I enjoyed most were the desciptions of the different kingdoms. Goldun and Damu are such a contrast to each other in sight, sound, and smell, as well as the beings that are citizens are each. The descriptions are just detailed enough for you to form your own image of them, and hints of the things Selena smells waft to you from your imagination, but thankfully they aren't over done like you find in some books where the author just tries too hard. Alicia Michaels has hit the nail on the hammer with her style, it's sure to please every reader younger and old.
I have to admit, Selena's speech did bring tears to my eyes. It was very well "spoken" and had I been there I would have been the first to stand with her for the coming of the Red Dawn. I was sorry to see her story end and I hope she makes a return, if nothing more than a cameo appearance in the story of Eranna's daughter which I'm sure is the next in this series.
There's a couple of editing errors that are easily missed to the untrained eye, but nothing too drastic to turn the reader off.
I give this story 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wunder by A.R.Von

Being this is such a short story, little more than a piece of flash fiction, my review obviously won't be that long.
This is the story of Wunder, the girl who was born one quarter zombie due to her mother being bitten a few hours before she was born.
For a story as short as this is, you're gripped from the first line and easily slide out of the comfort and reality of the real world into the albeit short but terrifying world Wunder was born into. This story is very well written, the images that will pop into the reader's head are vivid and nightmarish.
Though the story takes a very interesting twist I was a bit disappointed at the seemingly jumps in time, which of course is only due to the story being a short. I do look forward to the next installment of Wunder's tale.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jaguar Sun (The Jaguar Sun Series 1) by Martha Bourke

This story is definitely interesting. Maya is Mayan, whose grandmother holds very dear the ancient ways of their people. She tells Maya a few certain things (I won't ruin the story for you) and Maya pretty much flips out over what she's told. Though I suppose if I were in her situation I'd probably freak out too even if it wasn't as uncommon in the story as it is in the real world.
I quite enjoyed Maya's narritive, though she "talked" in the narration as if she weren't exactly seventeen (she gave the aire of a fifteen year old), her little quips are very funny and there were many many moments when I'd crack a smile or burst out with a laugh while I read.
It's very easy to slide into Maya's world. You easily get lost in the characters and backdrop.
The Mayan culture is woven through out this story in amazing ways. Even while the reader enjoys the detailed adventure Maya and the others embark on, so much is learned about the lore and beliefs of the people.
I truly enjoyed the book and look forward to getting the second so I can continue the story to see what happens next.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wolf Protector (Federal Paranormal Unit 1) by Milly Taiden

This is a well written book. The underlayings of the author's hometown are woven beautifully into the characters making them more realistic in demeanor.
I particularly like how they all have different abilities that none of the others know about. Very mysterious. The chapters are a bit lengthy but that's not a problem for the seasoned reader. You'll find yourself immersed in the story and won't even realise how much you've read until you snap back to reality anyway.
By chapter 4 it was apparent to me who the killer was (But I'm the kind of person everyone hates playing Clue with too), how the team totally bypassed that, especially Erica with what she knew the killer had said to his victims, is beyond me. I blame the sexual frustration between Erica and Trent on that one.
The intimate scenes are steamy. Milly's style will have you squirming as you read Trent and Erica's escapades.
Although the storyline is a bit predictable, if you're a lover of murder mysteries and sex you'll fall in love with this book and eagerly await book two.
I give this book 4 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Friday, May 3, 2013

Intangible (Intangible 1) by J.Meyers

If you read Intuition, the beginning of this book comes as no shock. There is one major difference between this version and the one in Intuition, aside from the difference in location, is that this time the vision is longer and in far more detail.
J.Meyers' writing flows like a sweet symphony. I wondered as I read if she's even aware of the story she's unfolded upon the masses. The story seemingly wrote itself in its fluency using Meyers as a vessal to make itself known. Intuition and Indomitable only give a mere taste, a tease of the abilities this author has.
I fell in love with the two shots.. even if I read Indomitable out of order. (for those that don't know Indomitable, Jonas' story, it technically 1.5 coming in between Intangible and Imaginable) You'll cheat yourself of the introduction to Jonas in Intangible reading it first.
Anyway, Meyers writes in a way that's rarely seen this day in age. The words flow through your mind and you soon forget that you're even reading a book as the words come alive frame by frame in your mind's eye and suddenly you're the characters.
I love how indomitable and intangible flow so well together! the same chapter from two different points of view. It was amazingly done as well! Jonas seems to be a stranger to those who read indomitable before this book. Just as Sera and Feyth were seemingly strangers to the reader even if they'd read intangible first.
That's an amazing gift few authors have. to take the same scene and make it seem all brand new. Kudos J!!
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Romantic Tales: Bedtime Stories Episode 1 (Season 1) by Various Authors


This is a collection and as thus I can not rightly rate the whole without rating each story there in.
Lets begin..

1. Crave by Ty Langston (Chapters 1-4)
This story sets itself up beautifully. You meet Harper a journalist for the local paper who is alsoa music lover. Her boss cons her into going to a concert for an up and coming band. While that normally isn't her beat, the band itself ties into a cold case she'd worked on.
The way this story is written truly reminds me of an episode of law and order.. only with reporters instead of cops. Thankfully crime stories are right up my ally.
The twist at the end of the episode is amazing. I truly look forward to episode 2 to find out what happens next.
I give Crave 5 of 5 paws
2. The Genesis Project by Tigris Eden (Chapters 1-5)
This is definitely an interesting one. I'm not exactly sure what Vaggo is only that he isn't human. Which makes me wonder what the others in the story are as well.
This definitely a strange story where humans no longer exist replaced by something akin to alien vampires.
The story is written in the technical sense that all sci-fi lovers crave. From the strange new names of things to the different ways to travel, even the way the beings on new earth eat are futuristic.
I enjoyed following Genesis as she learned new experiences. She's so different from the others she really is an oddity and generally finds herself the center of attention.
I give this story 5 of 5
 3. The Getaway by Riley Ross (Chapters 1-3)
This story starts with the rare guy playing hard to get. This one made me smile as I was swept into the apparently drama filled lives of Michael and Juliet's lives.
The writing style for this one was simpiler than with the previous two, but with contemporary romance that's expected since well it's takes place in the here and now without any oddities.
The three chapters offered with this one however were not enough for me accurately gauge a rating.
For now, I give this one 4 of 5 and hope the second episode holds a bit more of the story for me to go on.
 The collection as a whole is a wonderful melding of paranormal, science fiction, and contemporary romance. Each author brings their own uniqueness to the table and each character is different and special in their own ways.
I urge those who would give this series a bad rating to read all the books, and complete the stories before doing so.
I give this book 4 of 5
 Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Raksha (Blood and Fire 1) by Frankie Rose

First things first.. This book is amazing. It puts me in mind of the movie Gladiator, except our hero is a female instead of a male. The way the people live reminds me of a cross between the districts from the Hunger Games and the Soul Society from the anime Bleach. The fact I can see either in my head is a testiment to this author's writing ability.
The only problem I found was that I not bothered to read the blurb for the book, it would have been two chapters before it was made known that our main character is a girl and not a boy. This story was well thought out and and written beautifully.
Ryka is the type of person you can't help but want to beat the crap out in the beginning. Again this author's style is oso fluid you can feel the ire bubbling just below Kit's surface as he delibrately taunts her.
This book will keep your heart pounding and keep you up well past bedtime. I found it impossible to put down and I eagerly await the release of Radicals.
I give this book 5 of 5 paws
Reviewed by
S.Cu'Anam Policar
Freaky Fiction Writing Author
Fae Books Tour Host
Girls <3 Books Tours Host
Around the Universe Book Tours Host
LadyAmber's Book Tours Host
I Am A Reader Not A Writer Blog Tours Host
B3 Book Tours Host